(Notice that I didn’t say that I could make my mornings not suck at all. ) I will admit it- I’m not a morning person. Mornings? Like, nope! Nope, not at all. I am still somehow living with my college kid bedtime and haven’t had anything external (a job, a baby, a dog, etc) force me out of that pattern as of yet. As a self-identified night owl, here’s how I make my mornings more manageable.
Make EVERYTHING grab n’ go- I leave myself the bare minimum amount of time to get out of the house in the morning so I have no wiggle room for hunting down my gym clothes or that black tank top that matches my shirt or my mascara. My work bag and lunch bag are all packed up and ready for me to pick up and take to the door. My gym clothes/shoes are waiting on the table right by my back door. I permanently keep my make-up in a travel case. If my morning gets away from me or I’ll need a touch up later, I toss the whole thing in my car and I’m good to go.
Avoid the What-to-Wear Drama- I want to make as few decisions in the morning as possible. I don’t actually “lay out” my clothes for the next day, but as I’m brushing my teeth before bed, i’ll ponder what I’d like to wear based on what meetings I have, the weather, whether I feel fat or not, etc. Then in the morning, I already have an action plan and I can just walk in to my closet and grab what I need instead of rifling through my clothes five minutes before I need to leave.
Find the fun- Even morning people need a little pick-me-up sometimes. (Right? I mean, I wouldn’t know…). Using a fun mug, or a cute pair of sunglasses, or putting a delicious smelling air freshener in the car can put a little pep in your step even when you don’t feel like it. Listen to a podcast, an audio book or a playlist that you love to bring up your morning mood. Heck, even changing the labels on your alarms to fun names with emojis can put a little smile on your face.
Do Something You ENJOY- If you’re like me and you’re TRYING to be a better “morning person”, planning to do something you really want to do first thing in the morning can actually make you WANT to get up. For example, the idea of reading in the morning feels super nice and peaceful to me, so I’ve been incorporating just ten minutes of reading a book in the morning before I start to get ready. If you try to get up early to do something you aren’t actually looking forward to, you’re going to hit the snooze, don’t kid yourself.
Tell me about your mornings! Do you get up and head right out the door or do you need a few hours to get set for your day? If you have any tips on how you became a better morning person, SHARE THEM BELOW! I’ll take all the help I can get : )
Have a great week ahead,
Hey, I’m Meghan
I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends