As 2019 comes to a close, I’m sure I’m not alone in getting excited about the prospect of a new year and a fresh start. You’ve probably already been thinking about what you want to do with your time and your life in 2020. (pssst- if you haven’t check out this post for a few quick things you can do to get ready for 2020). The thing about goals and resolutions are that they are super easy to set and not so super easy to actually achieve. Today, I am going to share the tools I use to keep moving forward on my goals.
The Start Today Journal by Rachel Hollis- This journal is part gratitude journal and part goal journal. It is designed to be used daily and there is space to write down five things you are grateful for and ten life goals you want to achieve. It’s intended to be used in the morning, but I actually use mine at night (you gotta do what works for you!) and it’s a really simple and quick process to find time for.
The Artist of Life Workbook by Lavendaire- GAME CHANGER ALERT! This workbook literally changed the way I set and tracked my goals and was a huge help in making progress in 2019. The workbook starts by helping your review 2019, setting goals in every aspect of your life as well as lifetime goals, and THEN- the most important part- it has sections for you to break down those goals into quarterly and monthly goals, and spaces to track your progress along the way. If there was only one tool I could recommend to you to get your goals in 2020, this would be the one.
Daily Planner by Day Designer- Making and planning out your goals is only half of the battle. The rest involves actually doing the work. And for that, you need a planner. You need to have some sort of system to take the action steps you need for your goals and assign them to a day and time frame to actually get done. Some people could use a digital calendaring tool for this, or maybe like me, you’d prefer a paper option. Lucky for you, I wrote a whole post on finding the right 2020 planner for you, in case you are in the market for one.
A habit tracker- I’ve learned that the little things you do everyday are what determine whether you make progress on a goal or not. If I have a goal to cook dinner regularly at home, tracking how many times per week I actually do cook at home reminds me to plan ahead so that I can accomplish that and get me back on track when I can see that it’s not happening. I track my habits in my Artist of Life Workbook, but in case you just want a tracker- Here’s a free habit tracker from Day Designer.
As the new DECADE approaches, these are some of the tools that you can use to turn your to do list into your dream life in 2020. Happy goal getting!
Hey, I’m Meghan
I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!