7 Creative Ways to Use Your Notebooks

Studies have shown that writing things down helps with your memory and helps with the likelihood of taking successful action. This video runs you through 7 creative ways to use your notebooks to improve your life. You may have a ton of notebooks lying around the house and perhaps considering how you can use them or get rid of them while you declutter your space. These quick and easy notebook hacks will give you some fun ideas on how to use your notebooks.

Notebooks and Supplies I Love

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Organzied Pantry Tour


Hey guys! I’m really excited to share this fun project update with you! At the beginning of this year, I decided to get the storage spaces in our home organized, starting with one of my biggest pain points- the pantry. Below is a video with the FULL ORGANIZED PANTRY TOUR, including details on all the products I used. Check the links below with all of the products in my pantry:

Better Homes and Gardens Pantry Containers:

10 Container Set

Cereal Containers

Bins , Baskets and Organizers:

Kohls Large and Small Weave Bin, Gray

Montauk Open Front Bin

Soda Organizer

Target Large Y Bin, Gray

Target Large Baskets (These aren’t the same ones I have, but are very similar)



Painters Marker

White Clip Labels


The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your Home Goals

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!

Organize Your Christmas

Free Holiday Gifting Printables

The business of the Christmas season have your head spinning? If you are anything like me, the late Thanksgiving this year really threw you off of your holiday game plan. Have no fear, today I am sharing my Christmas organization sheets printables for you - free of course! These three sheets will help you organize your gift list and budget, keep track of all of your deliveries and make sure that you don’t forget to use that coupon on the gift your sister-in-law really wanted.

Click here for your free Christmas Organization Printables now as my early Christmas gift to you : )

Happy Holidays!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Lists that Make My Life Easier

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I’m a list person. Hands-down, no questions about it, I love making lists. I think more specifically, I like checking things OFF of a list, but you get the idea. I easily forget things if I don’t write them down, so lists are a practical way to remember to do everything that has to happen. Aside from your standard to-do lists, here are some lists i keep to make my life easier:

Lists that Make Your Life Easier
  1. Gift Idea List- I keep a list in my phone of gift ideas for people so that when their birthday, Christmas or Mother’s Day rolls around, I don’t have to struggle with ideas. If you are with someone and they mention something that they need or love, put it in your list so you can give them a perfect gift when the time comes.

  2. Errands List - Have you ever gotten home from a trip to the grocery store and realized that you forgot to pick up a prescription from the drug store that is LITERALLY next to the grocery store you were just at? Keeping an errands list on my phone reminds me to run all of my errands on one trip so I’m not wasting time going to the same area twice.

  3. Address book- I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been ready to address an envelope at the post office or at work and been like, “Crap, I don’t have their address with me!”. Having a list of addresses in your phone that use frequently makes sure that wherever you are, you have those important lists with you everywhere. You could use a notes app on your phone, but my list is in Google Drive, which I can access from my phone as well.

There’s three lists that I find super helpful to keep. Tell me in a comment below- what lists make your life easier?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

10 Things to Do Before Your Next Trip

Headed out on a trip or vacation this summer? Here’s my handy dandy checklist of everything you should remember to do before you leave on an extended trip:

10 Things To Do Before Your Next Trip
  1. Let Your Bank Know You Are Travelling: If you are travelling out of state- and ESPECIALLY- if you are travelling out of the country, you should alert your bank of the dates that you will be out of your normal area.(My bank had a feature for this online!)  To protect your account from theft, they could put a stop on your account if they see a bunch of unusual activity. And no one wants to deal with that when you’re just trying to get another margarita at the poolside bar.

  2. Hold Your Mail: Help out your mail carrier and let the post office know to hold your mail ahead of your trip. He/she will thank you for saving them from stuffing a week’s worth of mail into your tiny mailbox. You can do it online-right from USPS.com. Simple and easy!

  3. Refill Your Prescriptions: Plan ahead of time to have enough of your regular prescriptions to last you while you are away. You may need to contact your insurance if you need to get a prescription outside of your normal schedule, so make sure you do this two weeks ahead of time or so and don’t have to rush.

  4. Share Your Travel Arrangements: Send digital copies of all of your travel arrangements to someone you trust. In the case of an emergency, someone back home should have all of your travel information, just in case. For bigger trips, be sure to include pictures of your ID and passport as well. I use good ol’ mom for this one if my husband and I are travelling together.  

  5. Clear Off Your Devices: The last thing you need is to be posing for the typical tourist photo in front of the Eiffel Tower with  the stranger that you nervously asked to take your photo shouting from a distance; “It says you don’t have any more photo storage!” Cringe. Clean off your phone, camera, iPad, etc. before you leave so that you can take all of the vacation photos that you want with no problem.

  6. Pack Your Carry-on: My strategy to packing my carry-on is essentially this: pack for the worst case scenario of your checked luggage getting lost. Anything that you couldn’t easily replace, like prescription glasses and meds, should be in your carry-on bag so that they don't get lost or damaged. I also pack a change of clothes, deodorant, my makeup and toiletries in my carry-on so that I can at least freshen up if I am without my checked bag for a day or two- which has LITERALLY happened to me- twice. Trust me on this one.

  7. Close windows/doors: Before you leave the house for the last time, run a sweep through your entire space and lock your windows and doors. Be sure to check the garage and basement, too! Safety first!

  8. Prevent Smells: No one wants to come home to a stinky mess after a long day of travel. Be sure to clear out your fridge, unload your dishwasher, and take out all of your trash so there’s nothing funky sitting alone in your house all week while you are gone.

  9. Check Your Thermostat: Make sure that your thermostat is set to keep the house at room temperature while you are gone, otherwise your house could be overheating or freezing while you aren’t home to check it.

  10. Wash Your Sheets: This one is definitely not necessary, but there’s something really comforting about coming home to a clean set of sheets on the first night you’ll be back in your own bed.  

Where are you headed this summer? Comment below!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Routine Redo: My Cleaning Routine


One of my goals this year was to revamp all of my routines. After moving to a new house and getting a new job with a completely new schedule, the structure of my basic habits were just a hot mess at the start of the year. When it comes to keeping up with chores around the house, I wanted to find a system that was simple, easy and attainable. We’re all busy, and somehow on top of everything else we do in our lives, we’re supposed to be a functioning human that has clean clothes and clean dishes and clean toilets. (Hands in the air emoji). Here’s what’s been working for me:

The Best Cleaning Routine

IDENTIFY ONE NON-NEGOTIABLE: I decided to choose one area of the house that would be my priority for keeping clean every single day. For me, and probably for many of you, that area was the kitchen. Let’s face it, food and dirty dishes can get gross and somehow, if my kitchen feels clean, my house automatically feels cleaner. So, the kitchen gets my attention every night. Loading the dishwasher, wiping the counters, sweeping the floor, etc. There are definitely days where I come home late and tired so I wait till the next morning, but I am keeping up with the kitchen on a daily basis.

FIGURE OUT HOW OFTEN YOU REALLY NEED TO DO SOMETHING: I took out a piece of paper and just wrote down all the specific cleaning tasks I like to do in each room, like “dust living room”, “vacuum master bedroom”, and “clean master bath shower”. And then I made a choice on how often I wanted to do that task- Weekly? Bi-Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly?

I personally find that I don’t have one huge chunk of time on a given day to just clean my whole house in one shot. It’s much more common that I have little pockets of time available here and there. I used this handy free printable from Day Designer to plan out and schedule a day of the week for each cleaning task..

GO DIGITAL: Now, I’m a paper nerd, forever and always. I have a paper planner that I use every single day, but I do use Google calendar for a few things, including my cleaning tasks. What’s great about digital calendars is that you can set a task to repeat according to your schedule. So when I want to remind myself to clean our master bath every single week, I put it in on my calendar for Wednesday and set it to repeat every single Wednesday. It’s set and I never have to remember! You can set an item to repeat, daily, weekly, monthly or even every few months. What’s especially great is if you push an item off to another day, you can move the calendar appointment and then it automatically shifts every following appointment back to stay on with your schedule.

That’s the routine that’s been working for me lately! How do you guys clean your house? In small pieces like me? Or do you blast some tunes and have one major session a week?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Make Your Own Home Wish List

Why You Need a Wish List System

Keeping with the spring cleaning/organizing/decorating theme I’ve been talking about this month, I wanted to share how I plan for all of the things I want to buy and the projects I want to do around the house. Even if you’ve been in your home for years, homeowners know all too well that the list of projects for a home are never-ending. With my goal this year of setting up, decorating and organizing our house, the list of things I want or need to buy is as long as Santa’s, I tell ya. If I were rich, this would be no problem because I could  buy it all and do it all at once. Sadly, though, I’m not, so I’ve set up a wish list system to manage it.

At a basic level, making a list just ensures that everything floating around in your brain gets placed into some permanent format, like a spreadsheet or a physical list. My wish list is a huge help with prioritizing projects and deciding which ones should happen first before others. It gives me a much better understanding of the full scope of the projects we are working on and stops me from making random impulse purchases that aren’t really a priority. I am a step-by-step person, so I like breaking huge lists down into smaller sections that are more manageable.

Here’s how you can make your own:

Decide where to keep it- You can use an actual pen and paper, a special notebook, a spreadsheet, a notes app on your phone or as a list in your email server. I personally use a spreadsheet (shocker!), cause I like to sort them and organize them, and especially because I like to add links to items I am considering buying.

Decide what goes on it- I tend to put EVERYTHING in here- purchases from $5 on up because I like to keep it all in one place, but you could set a dollar limit or a time limit on it, such as “any item over $100 goes on the list” or “anything we need to buy in the next year goes on the list.” I have categories in my sheet for small, medium, large and long-term purchases based on the approximate cost. You could also make separate lists for each room, or each type of project, like “electrical”, “plumbing”, or “outdoor”.

Keep it updated- The items you keep on the list will change many times over. You’ll decide that you no longer need things, you’ll find a better solution than the one you originally intended, or find that you already had something that fills a need you had put on the list. Every now and again, you;ll have to go back to the list and update it with things you did end up buying and things you don’t want on the list any longer.

One of the things I like best about this list concept is that you can go back and see all of the things you’ve crossed off and accomplished. When you’re in the middle of something as big and ongoing as projects to do around your house, it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come. It’s really gratifying to see projects that you’ve completed and how far you’ve come.

What projects are you working on at home right now?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Spring Clean Your Life Challenge! Four Easy Things

4 Simple Things to Spring Clean

Ah- there’s nothing like a new season to make you feel refreshed and renewed and excited for the months to come. There’s definitely something special about spring, especially for us Midwesterners who have just survived winter, that makes you feel motivated to get life moving again.

This is likely why spring is often associated with cleaning, organizing and decluttering. Those activities are my favorite all year round, but even I’ve been hit with the extra urge to get my life and my spaces together. Here’s some things I’m looking forward to sprucing up:

  1. My fridge- You know what happens here. There’s likely some expired food in your fridge, and likely some spills and stains on the shelves. If you want extra credit, you could totally organize your food into clear storage bins a la The Home Edit, but I’m saving that for another day and just discarding and cleaning it up.

  2. My car- UGH my car! Sometimes I feel like I live there. You too? Spring is a great time to get your ride all spiffed up. The warm weather is the perfect excuse to run through the car wash (or wash it yourself), vacuum it out, get all of the shoes, bags, and miscellaneous junk out of the car and back to where they belong.

  3. My closet- This is an intimidating one. I’m sure many of us have tons of clothes and nothing to wear. The change of season means you’ll be wearing some new items that you haven’t in awhile and maybe there’s some winter stuff that no longer fits, is in good shape or is something that you like to wear that you can donate or sell. It’s a good time to go through all of your clothes and discard what you don’t want and then reorganize all the stuff you do want.

  4. My purse- I actually like to switch my purses out every couple of months, so spring is a good time to clean out my wallet, clean out my purse, replenish my hand cream, lip balm and hand sanitizer and reorganize everything. Your purse is a lot easier to carry when you’re not lugging around a ton of extra receipts, coupons and random change.

Are you ready to refresh your life for spring? Take on this challenge with me and handle these four things right along with me! I will be posting all week on Instagram with my progress on the challenge so you can follow along and spring clean with me!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

How I Make My Mornings Suck Less

Make Your Mornings Suck Less

(Notice that I didn’t say that I could make my mornings not suck at all. ) I will admit it- I’m not a morning person. Mornings? Like, nope! Nope, not at all. I am still somehow living with my college kid bedtime and haven’t had anything external (a job, a baby, a dog, etc) force me out of that pattern as of yet. As a self-identified night owl, here’s how I make my mornings more manageable.

  1. Make EVERYTHING grab n’ go- I leave myself the bare minimum amount of time to get out of the house in the morning so I have no wiggle room for hunting down my gym clothes or that black tank top that matches my shirt or my mascara. My work bag and lunch bag are all packed up and ready for me to pick up and take to the door. My gym clothes/shoes are waiting on the table right by my back door. I permanently keep my make-up in a travel case. If my morning gets away from me or I’ll need a touch up later, I toss the whole thing in my car and I’m good to go.

  2. Avoid the What-to-Wear Drama- I want to make as few decisions in the morning as possible. I don’t actually “lay out” my clothes for the next day, but as I’m brushing my teeth before bed, i’ll ponder what I’d like to wear based on what meetings I have, the weather, whether I feel fat or not, etc. Then in the morning, I already have an action plan and I can just walk in to my closet and grab what I need instead of rifling through my clothes five minutes before I need to leave.

  3. Find the fun- Even morning people need a little pick-me-up sometimes. (Right? I mean, I wouldn’t know…). Using a fun mug, or a cute pair of sunglasses, or putting a delicious smelling air freshener in the car can put a little pep in your step even when you don’t feel like it. Listen to a podcast, an audio book or a playlist that you love to bring up your morning mood. Heck, even changing the labels on your alarms to fun names with emojis can put a little smile on your face.

  4. Do Something You ENJOY- If you’re like me and you’re TRYING to be a better “morning person”, planning to do something you really want to do first thing in the morning can actually make you WANT to get up. For example, the idea of reading in the morning feels super nice and peaceful to me, so I’ve been incorporating just ten minutes of reading a book in the morning before I start to get ready. If you try to get up early to do something you aren’t actually looking forward to, you’re going to hit the snooze, don’t kid yourself.

Tell me about your mornings! Do you get up and head right out the door or do you need a few hours to get set for your day? If you have any tips on how you became a better morning person, SHARE THEM BELOW! I’ll take all the help I can get : )

Have a great week ahead,


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends