A Mid-Year Planning Session


Hey guys! As usual, time is completely flying and the end of June marks that 2019 is half over. While I still have no idea how that happened, I am excited to use July as kind of a mini-January. (A mini January without the snow- what could be better?) What I mean by that is that I get to the end of the year happy with how my year went. Here’s how you can do a mid-year check-in too:

Revisit your 2019 goals- It’s probably been a minute since you’ve looked at these babies and now is as good of a time as any to check back in with them. I write my goals down on paper, but if you didn’t, it’s not too late to start or even to just start thinking about what you would like to get done in the rest of 2019. Take a look at what you’d laid out for yourself in January and see what things you’ve accomplished, what things you want to work on next, and what things you thought you wanted to do, but just aren’t a priority anymore and can get crossed off your list.

How to Do A Mid-Year Review

Check your habits- When it comes to actually getting goals accomplished, it’s often the little daily habits we work on that truly give you traction for achieving goals. Are you doing the little things every day that get you to where you want to be? For example, if you want to read 10 books this year, are you setting aside the time you need each day to read? Or to get other stuff done so you can enjoy a big reading session on a weekend? If you want to go on a trip this year, are you setting aside time to plan and prepare? The secret to moving your life forward is often found in the little actions you take on a regular basis.

Audit your calendar- Take a few minutes and review your calendar from the first six months of the year. What did you do that you really enjoyed? What things did you not get to do that you’d like to now? Lives are busy and it takes intentional planning to get fun things on your calendar. This week, I looked at my calendar for the rest of the summer and scheduled in the two weekends that we’ll be heading up to our cabin. It’s one of our favorite places to be and my fall schedule at work is too crazy so I wanted to be sure we made the time to enjoy it while we can,

When it comes to goal setting and habit tracking, I’ve found the most AMAZING tool that I wanted to share with you. (NOT sponsored!) I’ve talked about this on my Insta stories before, but The Artist of Life Workbook is what I use to set, review and track annual, quarterly and monthly goals. It was my first year using this tool and I cannot say enough good things about how much it’s helped me.

Have a great rest of your Sunday and we’ll see you back here next week. Be sure to check me out on Instagram for your daily dose of Morning Coffee.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!