How To Spend the Rest of 2019


Welp, here we are. It’s October. I have no actual idea of where September went- how about you? We are now officially in the last quarter of the year- the last 90 days of 2019- and this is the perfect time of year to stop and reflect on how your year is going and where you want to be on December 31st. 

Last year, right as I prepared to launch this blog, I wrote a post about how I used the month of December to get ready for the new year. It was inspired by Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days Challenge and am using it as motivation for this year as well. The idea is simple- “What if we ended the year with as much intention as we usually begin it?” With that in mind, here’s what I’ll be doing in Q4 to end 2019 strong and get ready for 2020:

  1. Get those goals- When you started the year, what was on your to do list? What was on your resolution list? How have you done with those things? You have THREE MONTHS to still get them those things done, and that’s a lot of time. For me, one of my goals for 2019 was to make a photo book and photo collages of our wedding photos. I have started on the photo collages, but haven’t made much progress, so after revisiting my goals, I have made that item a priority on my list for the end of this year. I also plan to spend some time writing down my routines to see where I am with creating them for myself after so much change last year. 

  2. Reflect on the year- Near the end of the year- December probably- I will start looking back over 2019 and basically recapping where I’ve been and where I am at. Life can be a blur sometimes, so even flipping through your planner or the photos on your phone can help give you a big picture of what you’ve spent your time on in the last twelve months. It can help you decide what you want to do more of, what you want to do less of, and what you want to start or stop doing all together in the next year. 

  3. Start on 2020 NOW- You’ve probably already had already had a few thoughts run through your head about things you wish  you were doing or plan to start in the New Year. Don’t wait to start until January- begin building now. If you want to work out more in January, join a gym or find a fitness class NOW and start going. Give yourself a head start so you can start 2020 with some traction behind you. I’m launching a new piece of content for Morning Coffee in 2020, but I am working hard at it right now so that I am ready to hit the ground running in January. 

    If you’re having a hard time figuring out where to start with your last 90 days, here are some questions you can ask yourself to give you some direction.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!