Book Review: Vlog Like A Boss

Vlog Like A Boss Book Review

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Why I picked it up: I found Amy on YouTube last year when I was looking for productivity and time management tips while I was planning our wedding. Which, by the way, is a full time job for every bride, am I right? Anywhoo, after binging on her many recent videos, I stumbled upon all of the old ones on her channel that were all about starting and running a profitable vlog on YouTube. I didn’t even know that people made full-time incomes on YouTube, but it’s a very real thing.

And-full disclosure-I didn’t actually *buy* this book, I entered a giveaway on her Instagram and I won it!! I never win anything, so I am pretty sure this was a sign from the universe. In all honesty, I’m considering starting a YouTube Channel to accompany this blog and that’s why I was interesting in reading it. (UPDATE: I did, in fact, start that YouTube Channel- check it out here!)

What I Learned- Because of the mass accessibility of this platform, video is a huge opportunity to “sit down with thousands of people over a cup of coffee”, as Amy puts it. YouTube provides an immediate opportunity to make a real, personal connections with people you want as customers to your business. She breaks down everything from being afraid of handling fancy camera equipment (guilty!) and the fear of being judged (TOTALLY guilty!) to how to plan your content and how to structure your videos. Sometimes, you read a book but then don’t have a clear next step. That is not the case with this book- it was full of tons of applicable, practical steps to take.

Be Internet friends with Amy- (now Amy Landino)

Facebook: Amy Landino

Instagram: @schmittastic

Twitter: @schmittastic


YouTube: Amy Landino

Try It-

Buy the Book on Amazon


Hey, I’m Meghan

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a place where I’ll be writing every week- about my life and my goals, my house, things I love, resources I have and tools I use. It’s not only a place where I can feel joy in sharing my thoughts with the world, but hopefully a place where someone else, maybe you, can find entertainment, inspiration or camaraderie. Let’s be internet friends over a good cup of coffee, yeah?